February 27 - March 1, 1997
The 14th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science is organized jointly by the Special Interest Group for Theoretical Computer Science of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and the Special Interest Group for Fundamental Computer Science of the Association Francaise des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et des Systemes (AFCET).
Topics: Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
Algorithms and data structures, automata and formal languages, computational and structural complexity, semantics of programming languages, theory of parallel and distributed computation, parallel algorithms, logic in computer science, algorithmic learning theory, computational geometry, cryptography, computer systems theory, program specification, verification, VLSI structures, theory of data bases, computational issues in A.I.
Authors are invited to submit SIX copies
of a research paper (5-12 pages extended abstract, written in English)
and FIFTEEN copies of a one page abstract to the chairman of
the program committee (dual submission to other conferences with
published proceedings are not allowed). The title page should contain
a classification of the topics, preferably using the list above.
Address: Send papers by August 30, 1996 to
or, as an alternative, electronically; for detailed information, send an E-mail with subject `HELP' to or use this link.
Program Committee:
Jean-Paul Allouche (Orsay), Jürgen Dassow (Magdeburg),
Afonso Ferreira (Lyon), Jose Fiadeiro (Lissabon), Rusins Freivalds (Riga),
Martin Kummer (Karlsruhe), Mirek Kutylowski (Wroclaw),
Christian Lengauer (Passau), Michel Morvan (Paris, co-chair),
Laurence Puel (Orsay), Prabhakar Ragde (Waterloo),
Rüdiger Reischuk (Lübeck, chair), Miklos Santha (Orsay),
Val Tannen (Philadelphia), Dorothea Wagner (Konstanz).
Organizing Committee:
Gerhard Buntrock,
Gabriele Claasen,
Karin Genther,
Jens Heinrichs,
Andreas Jakoby,
Rüdiger Reischuk,
Christian Schindelhauer,
Stephan Weis.
Important dates:
We expect to be able to support young researchers attending the conference (esp. women and people from Europe's less favoured regions). Authors who would like to get such a grant should add an application with a short curriculum vitae and a list of publications to their submissions.
Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag). The symposium is organized in cooperation with EATCS and is sponsored by Wissenschaftsministerium des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, European Community Directorate for Science, Research and Development, Hewlett Packard, Commerzbank Lübeck, JessenLenz, Weingut Jakoby-Blümling and other organizations.
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Last modified: November 4, 1996 by K. Genther.