The Wintercontest 2025 was held at the University of Lübeck. A total of 10 Teams with 21 students took part. We congratulate the Lübeck Team on their 20th place. (21 participating teams)
The paper with the title "Faster Lattice Basis Computation via a Natural Generalization of the Euclidean Algorithm"was accepted at the conference STOC 2025. The authors are Kim-Manuel Klein and Janina Reuter. The conference will take place from 23th to 27th of June 2025 in Prague.
Link ConferenceThe paper with the title "From Probability to Counterfactuals: the Increasing Complexity of Satisfiability in Pearl’s Causal Hierarchy"was accepted at the conference ICLR 2025. The authors are Markus Bläser, Julian Dörfler (Universität Saarland), Maciej Liskiewicz and Benito van der Zander. The conference will take place from 24th to 28th of April 2025 in Singapore.
Link ConferenceThe science price in the section MINT received Dr. rer. nat. Marcel Wienöbst for his Work "Linear Time Algorithms for Front-Door Adjustment in Causal Graphs".
The paper with the title "The Existential Theory of the Reals with Summation Operators"was accepted at the conference ISAAC 2024. The authors are Markus Bläser, Julian Dörfler (Universität Saarland), Maciej Liskiewicz und Benito van der Zander. The conference will take place from 8th to 11th of December 2024 in Sydney, Australia.
Link ConferenceThe paper with the title ""On the Complexity of Identification in Linear Structural Causal Models"was accepted at the conference NeurIPS2024. The authors are Markus Bläser, Julian Dörfler (Universität Saarland), Maciej Liskiewicz und Benito van der Zander. The conference will take place from 9th to 15th of December 2024 in Vancouver, Kanada.
Link Conference22.06.2024
The GCPC 2024 was held at the University of Lübeck. A total of 3 Teams took part. We congratulate the Lübeck Team on their 12th place and the bronze medal.
The paper with the title ""Linear-Time Algorithms for Front-Door Adjustment in Causal Graphs" was accepted at the conference AAAI 2024 . The authors are: Maciej Liskiewicz, Marcel Wienöbst und Benito van der Zander".
The conference will take place from 22th to 27th February, Vancouver, Canada. 09.08.2023, 16:00 p.m., Seminarroom ITCS2021 Title:"Some Exciting New Directions in Parameterized Complexity and Algorithms"30 years of computer science
Paper accepted
Guest lecture by Prof. Mike Fellows, University of Bergen
23 students of the University Lübeck have participated in the programming contest GCPC 2023 at the Uni Luebeck. The best team from Lübeck had reached place 12. For this we received a bronze medal. All infomrations here
The paper with the title "Combined Fault and Leakage Resilience: Composability, Constructions and Compiler"was accepted at the conference CRYPTO 2023. The authors are Sebastian Berndt, Thomas Eisenbarth, Sebastian Faust, Marc Gourjon, Maximilian Orlt und Okan Seker.
The conference will take place from 19th to 24th August 2023 in Santa Barbara.
Sebastian Berndt is member of the program committee.
The paper with the title "Act natural!: Exchanging Private Messages on Public Blockchains"was accepted at the conference Konferenz Euro S&P 2023. The authors are Thore Tiemann, Sebastian Berndt, Thomas Eisenbart and Maciej Liskiewicz.
The conference will take place from 3th to 7th July 2023.
The paper with the title "The Hardness of Reasoning about Probabilities and Causality"was accepted at the conference IJCAI 2023. The authors are Benito van der Zander, Markus Bläser (Saarland University) and Maciej Liskiewicz.
The conference will take place from 19th to 25th August 2023.
Photos and complete publication
Fotos und komplette PublikationOn 14th February 2023 at 16:15 p.m.,Seminar room ITCS2021
The title is: "Subversion-Resilient Authenticated Encryption without Random Oracles"
AbstractTen teams from Lübeck, two teams from Rostock and one team from Bremen have participated in the wintercontest 2023 at the Uni Luebeck. The best team at the Uni Lübeck had with five solved problems reached place 25. results
The paper with the title"Online Bin Covering with Limited Migration" was accepted. The authors are: Sebastian Berndt, Leah Epstein, Klaus Jansen, Asaf Levin, Marten Maack und Lars Rohwedder. Publication in the Elsevier-Journal, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences.
The paper with the title"Subversion-Resilient Authenticated Encryption without Random Oracles" was accepted at the conference ACNS 2023. The authors are: Pascal Bemmann, Sebastian Berndt, Denis Diemert, Tibor Jager und Thomas Eisenbarth. The conference will take place from 19th to 22th June 2023 in Kyoto.More informationshere
25th January 2023, at 4 p.m., lecture hall, room AM 2
The title is:"Growth Mindset-What is often overlooked in (professional)life"M.Sc. Marcel Poelker, former student of the Uni Lübeck and Founder from Taledo in Berlin, reports on his ecperiences what is important in the professional life and what the University prepares for you and what does it not prepare for you. Event and Abstract
The paper with the title"Practical Algorithms for Orientations of Partially Directed Graphical Models" was accepted at the conference CLeaR 2023. The authors are: Malte Luttermann, Marcel Wienöbst and Maciej Liskiewicz. The conference will take place from 11th to 14th April 2023 in Tübingen.More informationshere
On 28th January 2023, at 11 a.m. to 16 p.m., Uni Lübeck, builing 64, PC-Pools 1-4
The programmingcontest is for students with basics in Java, C++ or Python. Teams with max. 3 person. Registration possible until 26th January 2023. Registration
On 13th December2022 at 16:15 p.m.,Seminar room ITCS2021
The title is: "Towards Tight Random Probing Security"
A team of students from University Lübeck participated in the international programming competition NWERC 2022 in Delft.
With two solved problems the team from Lübeck reached the 113th place out of a total of 140 participating teams. The winner was a team from the University of Cambridge with 11 solved problems.
The complete results as well as the problems are available at
The paper with the title "Efficient Enumeration of Markov Equivalent DAGs" was accepted at AAAI 2023. The authors are: Maciej Liskiewcz, Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach und Malte Luttermann. The conference will take place from 07.02.-14.02.2023 in Washington D.C.. More informationshere
The paper with the title "Learning Residual Alternating Automata" was accepted. The authors are: Sebastian Berndt, Maciej Liskiewcz, Rüdiger Reischuk und Matthias Lutter. Publication in the Elsevir-Journal Information&Computaion More informationshere
On 20th September 2022 at 16:15 p.m.,Seminar room ITCS2021
The title is: "Sublinear-Space Approximation Algorithms for Hitting Set"
gewonnen. Der Preis wird mit 600$ dotiert.The Paper"A New Constructive Criterion for Markov Equivalence of MAGs" from Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewicz has won the best student paper award of the
Marcel Wienöbst has been selected as a "Top Reviewer" for 38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2022. Congratulations! The List has been made publicly available here
The Pize is awarded annually by the student councils for Mathematics and Computer Science and for Applied Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Lübeck, for the best teaching.
42 students - total 17 teams at the Uni Lübeck in the programming contest
The German Collegiate Programming Contest (GCPC), will take place this year at the university Lübeck in person and is supported by the company Capgemini that will also be on site and present itself.
Sebastian Berndt is member of the program committee.
Sebastian Berndt is member of the Editorial Boards from Information Processing Letters
On 01.06.2022 starts the research project of Benito van der Zander. The project has already been funded by the german research. The project is titled: "Efficient Identification of causal effects" and concerns investigations in causality-a subfield of Artificial Intelligence.
The paper with the title "A New Constructive Criterion for Markov Equivalence of MAGs" was accepted at UAI 2022. The authors are: Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewcz.
Die Konferenz findet vom 01.08.-05.08.2022 in Eindhoven statt.The conference will take place from 01.08.-05.08.2022 in Einhoven. More informationshere
On 10th May 2022 at 4 p.m.,Seminar room ITCS2021
The title is: "On the Fine-Grained Complexity of the Unbounded SubsetSum and the Frobenius Problem"
This year the baltic olympics in computer science took place at the university of Lübeck. 67 computer science talents from europe including participants from israel and ukraine came together from 28.04.-03.05.2022. The german team won one silver medal and two bronze medals.
The paper with the title "Dynamic Kernels for Hitting Sets and Set Packing" has been accepted and will be published in the Spinger-Journal Alogrithmica. Authors are: Till Tantau, Rüdiger Reischuk, Max Bannach and Zachrias Heinrich.
The BOI 2022 will take place this year at the Uni Lübeck in prensence. 60 pupils from countries around the baltic sea are expected.
More informationshere
13-17 June 2022
Maciej Liskiewcz is member of the program committee.
Maciej Liskiewcz has been selected as a "Top Reviewer" for 25th International Conference on International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Statistics AISTATS 2022. Congratulations! The List has been made publicly available here
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has just approved the research project on Benito van der Zander. Congratulations! The project on "Efficient identification of causal effects" is planned for 36 months and concerns investigations in causality - a subfield of Artificial Intelligence.
On january 29th 15 teams of the university of Lübeck participated in the wintercontest 2022 This is a nationwide programming competition for students. The first team from Lübeck archieved the 19th place with 7 solved places. We congratulate all teams on their placements.results All interested are invited to the regular training sessions offfered by our institute.Contact: Marcel Wienöbst
Das Paper mit dem Titel "Identification in Tree-shaped Linear Structural Causal Modles" wurde auf der Konferenz AISTATS 2022 angenommen. Autoren sind: Benito van der Zander, Marcel Wienöbst, Markus Bläser und Maciej Liskiewicz. The paper with the title "Identification in Tree-shaped Linear Structural Causal Modles" has been accepted on the conference AISTATS 2022. Authors are: Benito van der Zander, Marcel Wienöbst, Markus Bläser and Maciej Liskiwicz. more informations:Link
On Saturday, 29th January 2022, a programming contest consisting of mathematical and algorithmical challenges will be held from 11:00 to 16:00. Students from Uni Lübeck can register in teams of three under the following Link. In case of questions please contact Marcel Wienöbst wienoebst@tcs.uni-luebeck.de .
Gratulation for Dr. Max Bannach, he has received for his dissertation "Parallel Parameterized Algorithms" the Bernd-Fischer-award" 2020, the promotions-award at the section Informatics and technical. Laudation beld by Till Tantau.
award ceremony picture with the president Prof. Dr. med. Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach and Dr. Max BannachThree teams of students from Uni Lübeck have successfully taken part at the international programming contest NWERC and reached the places 84, 92 and 113 having solved three and two problems, respectively. Link The next contest will take place at the 29th of January. Anyone interested is invited to write an E-Mail to Marcel Wienöbst wienoebst@tcs.uni-luebeck.de or Prof. Liskiewcz liskiewi@tcs.uni-luebeck.de
issue 21th November 2021, Volume 893
Title: The Kangaroo Problem
AbstractOn October 19,2021 at 4 p.m.,Seminar room ITCS2021
The topic is:"Computational Complexity of Deciding Provability in Linear Logic and Its Fragments"
For all pupils! The festival offers in an extensive with workshops and insights into new technologies in computer science. It offers the opportunity for people to try out and participate.
registration and program27.09.-01.10.2021
LinkTwo papers from Lübeck were accepted at the 44th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence: The full paper "An Approach to Reduce the Number of Conditional Independence Tests in the PC Algorithm" by Marcel Wienöbst and Maciej Liskiewicz as well as the extended abstract "Recent Advances in Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent DAGs by Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewicz.
LinkPaper on CHES 2021 accepted
The paper "A White-Box Masking Scheme Resisiting Computational and Algebraic Attacks" by Maciej Liskiewicz joint with Okan Seker and Thomas Eisenbarth (ITS) has been accepted for CHES 2021 conference.
Organizer is the Bergische University Wuppertal. The meeting will take place as a virtuel conference.
To the Website27.07.-29.07.2021
Maciej Liskiewicz, Marcel Wienöbst and Benito van der Zander are members of the program committee.
Paper accepted: The paper "Extendability of Causal Graphical Models: Algorithms and Computational Complexity" by Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewicz has been accepted for presentation at the UAI 2021 conference as Best Student Paper.
More informations to the conference Link
Maciej Liskiewicz and Ralf Möller (IFIS) are the guest editors of the special issue
We congratulate the nine teams from Uni Lübeck which successfully participated at the GCPC 2021 programming contest.
The best team from Lübeck reached the 21. place with six solved problems.
Maciej Liskiewicz is member of the program committee. Link
The Pize is awarded annually by the student councils for Mathematics and Computer Science and for Applied Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Lübeck, for the best teaching.
The BOI 2021 was held from April 23th, to April,26th. On two days, pupils from countries around the balatic sea and from guest countries Israel and Ukraine participated in a tough programming contest. The overall winner ist Almog Wald from Israel-we congratulate both him as well as the whole German team, which was awarded two bronze medals.
Website BOI 2021 results BOI 202128.03.2021
Three Teams from Uni Lübeck have successfully participated in the NWERC 2020 programming contest. They reached places 71, 74 and 102 teams in total.
This is normally a contradiction since Dagstuhl seminars are all about people meeting in a remote location to do research together without distractions.
This seminar was held online nevertheless-and it was quite successful. Keys to this were shot, intensive working periods followed by a social programme that transferred some
of the cherished traditions of Dagstuhl seminars- like the hike or the wine and cheese party-to the online world.
On March 16,2021 at 3 p.m.
The topic is: Lower Bounds for Off-Chain Protocol: Exploring the Limits of Plasma
Join Cisco Webex meeting Link
The paper that appeared at the 12th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2021) is available at, see Link. Link
The Paper "Work-sensitive Dynamic Complexity of Formal Languages", to Till Tantau, Jonas Schmidt, Thomas Schwentick, Nils Vortmeier and Thomas Zeume was submitted via FoSSaCS2021. Link
The section Informatics/Technology at the University of Lübeck nominated the PhD-Thesis of Benito van der Zander titled "Algorithmics of Identifying Causal Effects in Graphical Models" for the GI-Dissertation Award 2020. Link
The paper of Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewcz "Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent DAGs" was awarded as Distinguished Paper by AAAI 2021 conferences that is widely considered as one of the most prestigious conferences in the field Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence. Link
Maciej Liskiewicz and Benito van der Zander are members of the program committee. Link
Paper accepted: The Paper "Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent DAGs"
to Marcel Wienöbst, Max Bannach and Maciej Liskiewicz has been accepted for presentation at the Conference on 2nd February. Link
Welcome to the institute of theoretical computer science at the University of Lübeck.
The staff of our institute consists of three professors, Till Tantau,Kim-Manuel Klein, Maciej Liskiewicz and Rüdiger Reischuk research assistants, a technician, students – and when you visit us, you will receive a warm welcome by our secretary Elisa Merkel-Weißer.
We are interested in faster and more economic ways of solving problem using intelligent software rather than ever-more-powerful hardware. Our focus is on algorithms and complexity as well as applications in cryptology, steganography, bioinforamtics or quantum informatics. Students participate actively in our research as they write their bachelor, master, and diploma theses.
Research projects • Publications
Each semester around ten courses are taught by the institute staff, both introductory courses of the bachelor curriculum as well as advanced master courses. Each semester we offer positions to students who like to work as tutors.